The Final Public Event in Faro, Portugal. How it was?
Energy IN TIME Consortium concludes the Project which started four years ago around energy efficiency in non-residential buildings by presenting the results at the International Airport of Faro, Portugal. The place was chosen on purpose since this is one of the four demo sites deployed at the beginning of this conjoint Project. The airport, as a non-residential building, presents some interesting patterns and characteristics to analyse before and after the implementation of the technological solutions aimed at energy consumption optimization and savings.
The presentations were done by several EiT Project Partners, such as CIT, IES, CSTB and ACCIONA, and this time they were slightly different from the usual reports carried out in so many meetings that have been held during the last four years. The event was addressed to a broader audience and not only scientific, that is why the Partners considered it relevant to stress the practical side of the study and show the eventual future lines of development and even commercialization.
ACCIONA Construcción, the Project Leader, opened the event speaking about the urgent need of introduction of new models of energy consumption management on all levels. The company has been working in this area for a long time and all the advances in this kind of research are always very important for our society. The Energy In Time Project is a clear example of this approach bringing together the expertise of many professionals and scientists to find new ways to organize management of energy sources, generally speaking, and suggest the optimization of their consumption in certain environment like non-residential buildings, in particular.
ANA Aeroportos Portugal, the event organizer, emphasized the EiT Project interaction in Faro Airport. All the partners explained the benefits of the project and future strategies what generated some debate during the networking session right after the presentations. Besides that, the assistants had the opportunity to watch different demo videos together with the project presentation film.
Arriving to this point, it is important to understand that the Project itself does not end. The termination planned for September, 30, 2017 is actually one of the milestones delivering certain findings which are not the final results ready for immediate commercialization. The EiT Consortium is glad to say that it is absolutely satisfied with the research activities and the intermediate results because it means that the work will continue. The Project showed the enormous potential of what was studied and tested and the capacity to improve and refine the technological solutions in order to commercialize them successfully in the market.