New collaborations
The 5th edition of the Public-Private Partnership on Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB PPP) Workshop was held in Brussels on the 27th and 28th of April this year, and Energy IN TIME was there to take part in the proceedings. This year’s edition of the popular event featured parallel working sessions to assess the impact and benefits of project clustering, panel discussions on maximising impact and innovation, a presentation on EeB success stories, as well as presentations by representatives of the DG RTD, E2BA and EIB.
The EeB PPP is a joint initiative of the European Commission (EC) and the Energy Efficient Buildings Association (E2BA), and was launched in December 2008 as part of the European Economic Recovery Plan. It provides a platform for the support of research and innovation to reduce carbon emissions and improve the energy performance of new and existing buildings and districts throughout Europe, while at the maintaining the industrial competitiveness of the European construction sector. In the years since its launch it has attracted a high industrial participation and contributed significantly to the continuous innovation of a sector with a yearly turnover of more than € 1.2 trillion and which contributes more than 10% to the GDP of Europe.
Energy IN TIME participated in the Parallel Working Session 2: “ICT for design, monitoring and management of energy efficient buildings and districts”, where we gave a joint presentation with five other projects in the area of energy performance monitoring and management of energy efficient buildings, including partner projects PERFORMER and TRIBUTE.
In total, the event brought together representatives from 96 projects in the field of energy efficiency, which provided the perfect opportunity for networking. It was a particular pleasure to meet and work with the projects Built2SPEC, Insiter and Accept, three new projects financed in 2014 H2020 call, and we hope to be able to continue collaborating with them in the future. Contact was also made with the CSAs EEBERS and SWIMming, with whom we will also be collaborating in the future.