The meeting began with a presentation by Juan Luis Vidal, who will be in charge of the work package of FUNIBER, it was followed by a brief presentation on the agenda of the meeting by the project coordinator, Belén Gómez-Uribarri. During the meeting, the leaders of the different work packages explained the main items to discuss in the consortium.
Christian Beder, Cork Institute for Technology, pointed out some issues related to the connectivity with the platform of communication, by reviewing the progress in the different platforms/technologies used in the project. This closed the work package 1.
Catherine Conaghan, Stephen Earle, Daniel Coakley (IES) reviewed the progress and objectives of work package 2. The main effort in this work package has to be focused,in the future, on the definition of the active models of buildings, adapting them to overcome any need from the point of view of system control. Another point of interest was the development of the metering systems in the pilot sites, in particular Faro and Sanomatalo.
The presentation by Juan Gómez from the University of Granada (work package 3) focused on the number of simulations to be carried out in order to achieve valid models of the pilot sites.
After the presentation of the package 4 and a pause for lunch, the meeting continued with a technical session in which it was discussed different aspects focused on the implementation of tools in the pilot sites; it covered almost all the details of the work package 7.
After the presentation of the work package 5 by Benoit Vinot, CSTB, Vicente Madero, Acciona, explained the main topics carried out in the work package 6, now especially focused on the integration of the different systems that form the project.

Segunda Asamblea General en las oficinas de FUNIBER en Barcelona
Regarding work package 8, Giulia Barbagelata, STAM, presented the main items to consider in order to take the next steps to develop an exploitation plan for Energy In Time, as well as the tasks assigned in the clustering workshop regarding the results of exploitation.
Juan Luis Vidal, Funiber, was appointed the new head for dissemination. The next steps to take in this matter were presented, giving special attention to the importance of dissemination activities during this second part of the project that has just begun.
All the consortium partners will receive a detailed plan of work to carry out these tasks.
Belén Gómez closed the meeting presenting aspects of the package 9, which refers to the management and coordination of the project; it was also announced that the next meeting will be held towards May in the Levi Panorama Hotel in Finland.