Energy efficiency is cheaper than the construction of power stations.
Energy efficiency is even cheaper than the construction of a new power plant. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy has reached this conclusion, and will launch the results that it obtained through 14 energy-saving programs.
This report has found evidence that the average cost of energy efficiency programs is around 3.5 cents per kWh saved, which is a more favorable data and significantly lower than the 7.5 cents/kWh initially calculated by the Environmental Protection Agency.
This difference is due to the fact that the APA wanted to show that even with high energy efficiency costs, it is still worthwhile from an economic point of view. But the truth is that the costs are, as has already been mentioned, much lower.
This report serves as an evidence to administrators and legislators that they must be less reluctant to dedicate financial and technical resources to achieve energy efficiency programs in buildings.
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, energy efficiency, Environmental Protection Agency