The European Commission looks for the opinion of experts to establish a Board for European Innovation
Europe has carried out great advances in the last years to improve the degree of technological innovation, amongst which there are increases in investment, improvements in the regulations that affect this activity, strengthening of innovation markets and the creation of measures that support these initiatives at the level of the different states, like the structural funds for European investment.
Even with these efforts and the fact that Europe is a land of innovation, it is losing the race before other geographical areas such as China and especially the United States, which are capable of introducing more disruptive novelties created by their own markets.
The board wishes to include the community within the common objective of easing the situation and has called for an online survey so that all types of innovators, including those who do not normally work with projects related to the European Commission, may present their points of view with respects to the launch of the European Board of Innovation which may be designed to improve Europe’s capacity to generate and amplify the vanguard of innovations.
This European Board of Innovation could bring together and simplify all helping processes for innovation, help the new projects that arise from it, and provide guidance on how to improve the environment in the European Union, in areas such as politics, regulations and its practices.
By following the link you will find more details on the initiative and how to participate in the survey , which is open until 29 April 2016.
Board for European Innovation, European Commission, european investment, technological innovation