The cost for efficient energy will be equal to 5.8 billion dollars in 2030

The world investment for efficient energy will reach 5.8 billion dollars near the year 2030, based on a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). At that moment, the investment in energy efficiency by year will be a total of $385 million dollars, based on the report.

This increase in energy efficiency investment will be based mainly on the technological development of buildings, manufacturing and transportation.

It specifically highlights that the investment for energy efficient buildings will reach $125 billion by 2020, which clearly shows that the faith in these technologies is not a passing trend, but has come to stay in our everyday lives.

The report also highlights that as the demands for energy in middle eastern and north African countries increase, new investments in said countries will be necessary in energy efficient materials, for example, with $555 billion in total investments for infrastructures for the necessary energy sector in the Middle East in 2030, based on a recent NBAD report from the University of Cambridge and PWC, which takes a more proper perspective to the enormous task facing us.

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